In Táchira State Venezuelans also protested to demand the freedom of political prisoners (VIDEO)

In Táchira State Venezuelans also protested to demand the freedom of political prisoners (VIDEO)

In Táchira State Venezuelans also protested to demand the freedom of political prisoners (VIDEO)


In Táchira, a group of human rights defenders also joined the call of six other states to demand freedom for the 20 women political prisoners in Venezuela, whose rights have also been violated and they have been subjected to torture that has even caused abortions in some cases, according to Leonela Colmenares, representative of the NGO ‘Realidad Helicoide’ organization.

By Luz Dary Depablos / Correspondent

“El Digcim and ‘El Helicoide’ are detention centers that have been devolved into torture centers ready to: detach nails, suffocate, drown, give electric shocks to those who are unjustly locked up,” emphasized Leonela Colmenares.

Likewise, she noted that in Venezuela they ‘invent’ crimes daily: “due process does not exist, there are even prisoners who have been made to abort,” which is why they demand that “not one more should be behind bars.”

For her part, Clara Ramírez, Director (ad hoc) of the Non-Governmental Organization ‘Fundaredes’, stated that there are more than 300 prisoners for political reasons in the country and although in Táchira there are no women ‘deprived of liberty’ (euphemism fr captive, imprisoned), at least four are Táchira residents under “flawed” criminal processes (lawfare).

She also pointed out that: “Javier (Tarazona) had a hearing scheduled for last March 14th, this never took place because the Prosecutor’s Office did not show up, and this is how it has been in all the previous hearings, that is, this trial has been delayed and restarted for the third time, it has not yet fully materialized, since hearings have been postponed, all the evidentiary elements that the Prosecutor’s Office had been promoting have been vetoed, people have not appeared when they have been summoned and the only thing we have seen are delays and violations of due process and the right to defense of the director of NGO ‘Fundaredes’.”

Clara Ramírez recalled that the revolving door continues, since “a few months ago there were some releases of political prisoners, but we see how recently a defender of political prisoners, such as Rocío San Miguel, is now behind bars, as we see within this ‘electoral context’, many people linked to the political sphere,” she pointed out.


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