Oil spill in Anzoátegui State has affected the beaches of Lechería

Oil spill in Anzoátegui State has affected the beaches of Lechería

Oil spill in Anzoátegui State has affected the beaches of Lechería



The crude oil spill ongoing since last Monday, January 29th in the rural area of the Simón Bolívar Municipality of Anzoátegui State would have affected the beaches of Lechería.

By Javier A. Guaipo/ Correspondent lapatilla.com

Since this Wednesday’s afternoon, January 31st, some neighbors reported that black stains were observed on the shore of the ‘Lido’, ‘Los Canales’ and ‘Cangrejo’ beaches, which were presumed to be hydrocarbons.

So on the morning of this Thursday, February 1st, the Urbaneja Mayor’s Office issued a statement in which it suggested that the population should refrain from using the beaches for at least 24 hours, pending possible subsequent announcements.

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Oil spill in Anzoátegui would have affected the beaches of Lechería in eastern Venezuela

No official information

Although the spill occurred four days ago, as of this Thursday morning there has been no official statement from the authorities of Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A (PDVSA). It was only unofficially known that commissions were working to respond to the event along with fire department personnel.

It is also worth recalling that the Deputy of the Legislative Council of Anzoátegui State (CLeAnz), Alejandra Gómez, had warned about a spill of crude oil, on Tuesday, January 30th, to the Naricual River, a tributary of the Neverí River that reaches the Caribbean Sea next to Lecherías.

Some people who were strolling along the beaches of Lechería this Thursday also reported the presence of black spots in the sand some were even taken by surprise and were left with the substance sticking to their feet.

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