It is presumed that the oil spill in Lechería was due to tanker tank failures

It is presumed that the oil spill in Lechería was due to tanker tank failures

Photo: La Patilla


This Wednesday started the clean up of 4 kilometers of beaches affected by the oil spill that occurred off the coast of Lechería.

By La Patilla – Jesus Albino

Dec 07, 2022

A group of people, apparently from “Petróleos de Venezuela” (PDVSA, National oil company), using special equipment, began the work of removing the oil soiling the beaches, specifically in the areas near “Los Canales” beach breakwater.

Lawyer Juan Malpica, a specialist in Maritime Law, assures that “the Public Ministry, through the Environment Prosecutor’s Office, should have initiated investigations to determine responsibilities for this event, which not only generates economic losses, but also represents a harsh ecological blow.”

“Those who live from commerce, food, tourist services, will be seriously affected. Of course, Mayor Manuel Ferreira took the appropriate measures to safeguard the population with the suspension of the use of the beaches,” Malpica asserted.

The lawyer assures that an in-depth investigation must be carried out to determine responsibilities, this given the hypothesis of the leak of crude oil came the tank of an oil tanker, which is the scenario handled unofficially.

The ban on the use of the beaches could be extended for at least 15 more days given the amount of crude oil that, due to the strong waves, is deposited on the beaches by the surf and tide.

Read More: La Patilla – It is presumed that the oil spill in Lechería was due to tanker tank failures

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