The Anticancer Society in Apure state works with “bare hands” and the authorities do nothing about it

The Anticancer Society in Apure state works with “bare hands” and the authorities do nothing about it






Given the lack of government support, the Cancer Prevention Clinic in Apure does not have its own headquarters.

Maria Eugenia Diaz

Currently, the aforementioned institution operates in a rented property at very high cost and whose expenses depend on the income from medical consultations.

According to the workers of the Anticancer Society, consultations have dropped by 50% in recent months, so they do not have enough income to pay the rent.

This information was confirmed by Dr. Josely Colina, President of the Anticancer Society of Apure State, who specified that since April of this year and to date, as a result of the new rent payment plus the deposit, the organization’s resources have diminished.

The employees of the Anticancer Society said that they are doing “twists” (juggling acts) to obtain more money to cover the expenses generated in this healthcare center.

Dr. Colina, who is also a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, assured that the directive and the workers will not faint in their efforts despite the difficulties.

“We need an accessible, comfortable and safe venue, because we have recovered equipment. We must readjust the budget to be able to survive in the face of the crisis.”

Nurse Sorelys Pérez, who has worked at the Cancer Prevention Clinic for 17 years, thanks God because despite the very limited financial resources available to the institution, it is still open to care for cancer patients.

“With the payment of the patients, we pay the salaries of the medical and nursing personnel, we pay the rent, the supplies, the maintenance of the house and public services. Despite the difficulties, we continue to do heroic work and we will continue with our doors open,” said Ms. Pérez.

Without Headquarters





The first headquarters functioned in the José Antonio Páez Ambulatory. Then the Anticancer Clinic moved to a house on Chimborazo Avenue, from where the workers were forced to leave, due to failures in the sewage system in the area.

Subsequently, they were located for several years in another house, located on Muñoz Street, from where they were evicted on November 17th of this year by the owners of the property.

This non-profit organization offers medical consultations at a much lower cost than in private clinics.

The Anticancer Society obtained the last subsidy during the administration of the deceased Apure State Governor, Jesús Aguilarte Gámez, in 2011.

Currently they offer consultations in Gynecology, Oncology, Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Urology, laboratory services and other medical evaluations related to cancer prevention.

In addition, healthcare personnel carry out social work for low-income patients.

The directors of the Anticancer Society, through official letters, have requested meetings with the Apure State government and the Mayor of San Fernando, but so far they have not received any type of help.

Despite the problems, the members of the Anticancer Society hope to soon have their own venue that will allow them to improve the prevention and care service for cancer patients.