El Papa celebra la misa de Pascua bajo estrictas medidas de seguridad

El Papa celebra la misa de Pascua bajo estrictas medidas de seguridad

Pope Francis arrives to lead the Easter Mass at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi
Pope Francis arrives to lead the Easter Mass at St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi


El papa argentino dará más tarde su bendición Urbi et Orbi (a la ciudad de Roma y al mundo) desde la basílica del Vaticano.

El sábado por la noche Francisco presidió la vigilia pascual en la basílica de San Pedro y pidió a los fieles que rompan el silencio “sobre la injusticias que viven en sus carnes tantos de nuestros hermanos”. También bautizó a a ocho personas.

Fieles y turistas tuvieron que hacer largas colas este domingo para acceder a la plaza de San Pedro por las medidas de seguridad, que incluye detectores de metales. Las autoridades italianas consideran Pascua como un periodo de alto riesgo para la capital italiana. AFP

Swiss Guards stand in front of the St. Peter's Basilica before the Easter Mass at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi
Swiss Guards stand in front of the St. Peter’s Basilica before the Easter Mass at St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi


Swiss Guards stand in front of the St. Peter's Basilica before the Easter Mass at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
Swiss Guards stand in front of the St. Peter’s Basilica before the Easter Mass at St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini


Pope Francis arrives to lead the Easter Mass at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi
Pope Francis arrives to lead the Easter Mass at St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi


Pope Francis leads the Easter Mass at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
Pope Francis leads the Easter Mass at St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini


Pope Francis leads the Easter Mass at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
Pope Francis leads the Easter Mass at St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini


Pope Francis arrives to lead the Easter Mass at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi
Pope Francis arrives to lead the Easter Mass at St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Max Rossi


Pope Francis leads the Easter Mass at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
Pope Francis leads the Easter Mass at St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 1, 2018. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini